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READ: How Are You Treating You? Breathe...

During this pandemic and time of social transformation many of us are feeling deeply, while physically alone with our thoughts and numbing ourselves with television. Many of us are fighting or succumbing to feelings of anxiety, sadness and even shame about what’s to come next. Folks everywhere are suffering in silence. I’m here to tell you, isolation is a mind trip. It can have you thinking that you are alone and you have the monopoly on shame; but you don’t. You are NOT alone.

Through your silent reflections, your thoughts might be cloudy and you could be experiencing feelings of guilt or shame. One carries hope, the other uses mental deception to choke the life out of the hope that lies within your subconscious. I said a lot, so let’s unpack that.

GUILT - That was stupid, I f*cked up.

SHAME - I am stupid. I’m a f*ck up

According to Brene Brown, guilt is something that you can own and course correct. Shame is something that grabs hold of your subconscious and tries to beat you down. Again, you are not alone in this. Remember during this time of quiet, you are deserving. You may have made mistakes - but you are not a mistake.

Dig into your vulnerability because it is the brave thing to do. Look at your fears and speak to yourself as you would speak to someone you love very dearly.

This is the TIME to choose your words carefully. Be mindful of your thoughts and be aware of how you speak and treat yourself. I encourage you to tap into your soul's desire and cultivate your creativity. If you have suppressed your heart's desire thinking it was “the right thing to do for others” that suppression - not just for you, but for ALL people - turns into rage, sorrow and shame. You may have felt feelings of rage, sorrow and shame - now on top of all of those deep emotions, the world is processing collective grief.

If you want to shift from this heartbreak to possibility, do something creative everyday: write, paint, dance, sing, cook a gorgeous meal, sew, build something, crochet, learn a scene, work on a monologue, learn something new, anything. Just DO something. This will help you experience a shift and bring you into the present moment. Explore your creativity. Be brave and put it out there for folks to see. Every little thing counts.

When I started to commit to my happiness, I too had to take action. As I had been focused on my single greatest “life goes on activity” - motherhood, I dove into my creativity and self-care by making body products, crystal jewelry, and learning various holistic practices. I finally quieted the voices in my head. I felt the fear and made joy, my choice! I returned to my soul passion of storytelling and acting.

You too are worthy of love and belonging. Take the risk! You could experience humiliation, but you’ll be alright. Just say “f*ck it, I’m treating myself like I’m worth it and I am willing to fail forward.”


Trust your instincts


Listen to your voice


Seek and speak your truth


See your vision


Design your life


Take up space


Live your dreams


Know that you are loved


You can and will get through this


This too shall pass


Be mindful of how you are treating you

BREATHE and Bolster Joy!

Continuous Joy!

P.S. Share this with your friends and let's get through this together with JOY!


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